The Valencian courses for foreigners are designed to help integrate non-natives into the local community by providing crucial language skills for daily communication and understanding cultural nuances. These courses are typically offered at various levels, from beginners to advanced, ensuring that students can start from scratch or enhance their existing skills.

This course is for the most curious and for those foreigners seeking full integration. The curriculum, pioneering in this expatriate-focused field, is focused on the communicative aspect at levels A1, A2, and B1, aiming to connect with residents of small neighborhoods and familiarize foreign schoolchildren with this language, making it easier for them to follow classes at school.

The B2/C1 course is entirely focused on passing the grau mitjà exam.

Valencian language course for Foreigners

Language Courses

Valencian language courses for foreigners are designed to help integrate non-native speakers into the local community by providing language skills that are crucial for daily communication and understanding cultural nuances. These courses are typically offered at various levels, from beginner to advanced, ensuring that learners can start from scratch or improve their existing skills.

Types of Courses

  1. Basic and Intermediate Levels (A1, A2, B1):

    • Focus on building fundamental communication skills.
    • Emphasis on practical language use in everyday situations.
    • Courses often include interactive activities to encourage speaking and listening.
  2. Advanced Levels (B2, C1):

    • Preparation for official language proficiency exams such as the grau mitjà.
    • In-depth study of grammar, vocabulary, and advanced communication techniques.
    • Targeted practice for specific exam sections like reading comprehension, writing, and oral exams.

Course Providers

  • Local Governments: Many local governments, such as the Ayuntamiento de Valencia, offer free or subsidized language courses to encourage integration and improve employability among immigrants.
  • Universities and Language Schools: Institutions like the Escola Oficial d'Idiomes (EOI) and various universities provide structured courses with certified instructors.
  • Online Platforms: Websites like "Aprender Gratis" offer free online courses that cover different proficiency levels, making language learning accessible to a wider audience.

Importance of Certification

Obtaining a certification in Valencian can be essential for certain job positions, university admissions, and other professional opportunities. Institutions such as JQCV (Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià), EOI, and CIEACOVA conduct exams and provide recognized certifications for different proficiency levels.

Practical Benefits

  • Social Integration: Learning Valencian helps foreigners connect with local communities, fostering a sense of belonging and cultural understanding.
  • Educational Support: For children, understanding Valencian can significantly ease their integration into local schools and improve their academic performance.
  • Professional Opportunities: Proficiency in Valencian can enhance job prospects, particularly in regions where the language is widely used.

For more information on courses and registration details, you can visit websites like the Instituto Cervantes and the Centro de Integración del Inmigrante.


The school is located in the district of Algirós, which consists of five neighborhoods: L’Illa Perduda, Ciutat Jardí, L’Amistat, La Bega Baixa, and La Carrasca. The school belongs to the neighborhood of Ayora or L’Illa Perduda. This district is characterized by being one of the most active in the city and one of the great survivors of tourist overcrowding. The majority of people living in this neighborhood are natives and locals of Valencia, so learning Spanish in our school and in our neighborhood is accompanied by a context in which having a complete cultural immersion and studying Spanish becomes an incredible experience. In addition, the neighborhood's shops are local establishments where it can be difficult to communicate in English


If you are a student under 18 years of age or you come in a group, an ILE Spanish School manager will pick you up at the airport at no extra cost. For other types of students, ILE offers the possibility to pick up the student at the airport for an additional cost. We pick you up at the Valencia airport and take you to your home!



It's very easy to get around Valencia, and everything is relatively close. There's a good public transport network in the city that can take you everywhere. Our school is just one street away from the Ayora metro stop.

Other possibilities: Public Transportation.

BUS and METRO: You can check here the prices of these public transports with which you can move around our city.

Other possibilities: Public transport.


BUS y METRO: You can check aquí the prices of these public transport with which you can move around our city.



BICYCLE: Make Valencia a more sustainable place and use public transport that does not pollute. Enjoying a bike ride is fun and healthy. Added to these advantages is the possibility of using VALENBISI as a means of transport in the city.